city gardening recipes

Recipe ideas with edible flowers

Delicious concoctions for eating, drinking and more. Made from herbs, plants and flowers. Find some inspiring ideas here!

Flower and herb oil

A feast for the eyes and a taste explosion. For you. Perhaps for your friends, too.
  • 750 ml high-grade oil (olive oil, walnut oil or sesame oil)
  • desired herbs (e. g. rosemary)
  • aromatic fruits or vegetables (e. g. lemon, garlic, onions, chili)
  • a suitable bottle

Take the high-grade oil and add aromatic ingredients like herbs from the balcony, garlic, onions, chillies or lemons. Ensure the "hardware" is fully covered by the oil and the bottle is sealed and air-tight. Store it at least four weeks in a dark and cool place. Tip: Shelf-life of up to six months! A treat with salad. Scatter edible flowers from the meadow over the salad leaves just before serving to create a feast for the eyes.

Flower power cake

Vegan and fruity. No eggs. No milk. No weighing. But plenty of flowers! Absolutely delicious...
city gardening recipe flower power cake
For the base
  • 1 handful almonds
  • 3 dates
  • 1-3 tablespoons water
  • 1 pinch sea salt or Himalayan salt
To decorate
  • Edible colourful flowers, e.g. dandelions, violets, daisies, ...  

For the filling

  • 1 handful cashew nuts
  • 2 tablespoons liquid, warmed coconut oil
  • juice of 1 organic lemon
  • a little organic lemon zest
  • 1 ripe banana
  • some agave syrup
  • 1 handful blueberries
To make the base, grind up the ingredients and mix together. This gives a slightly sticky mixture that is not too crumbly. Use this to line the base of your cake tin. To make the filling, grind the cashews in a food processor and add the coconut oil. Blend together. Add the banana, lemon juice and zest. Mix until the consistency is the same throughout. Sweeten with agave syrup. Divide the mixture into two parts. Blend one half with the blueberries. Now layer the plain and the blue "cheesecake" mixture on top of the base in the tin. Put the cake in the freezer for 30-45 minutes to set. Then decorate with edible flowers - the more colourful the better.

Summer flowers soda

Discover your new favourite drink. The fresh alternative to water.
  • 1 l water
  • juice from a lemon
  • 1 spray of fresh herbs (e.g. mint, lemon balm, woodruff)

Simply mix together water and juice from a lemon. Pour the lemon water over 1 spray of fresh herbs and selected edible flowers. Place it overnight in the refrigerator. Remove herbs the next day. Dilute with some mineral water and sweeten with honey if desired. 

Dandelion jam with orange

Tickles your palate. Goes well with cheese or game.
city gardening marmalade self made
  • 2 handfuls dandelion flowers, approx. 50 g
  • 600 ml water
  • 1 large organic orange
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 500 g jam sugar 2:1
Gather the dandelions in the morning when the flowers have opened and rinse them carefully. Pick off the yellow flower petals (he/she loves me, loves me not ...) and pour 600 ml water over them. Now grate the rind (avoid the pith) of the orange into the pan. Peel the orange and dice the flesh. Add to the other ingredients in the pan. Add the lemon juice. Bring the mixture to the boil and simmer for approx. 10 minutes. Leave the flowers and juice to cool a little. Blend finely with a hand-held blender to produce yellow juice. Mix this with the jam sugar, bring to the boil and cook for approx. 5 minutes. Refer to the instructions on the jam sugar packet for testing the set of the jam. Then pour the jam into screw top jars and fasten tightly. Be sure to leave the flowers in the jam, so it looks – and tastes – like summer.

Herb salt with nasturtiums

The taste of summer. Beautifully simple.
  • 2 shoots nasturtiums (flowers and leaves)
  • 250 grams of salt

Wash, dry, and purée the nasturtiums (flowers and leaves) and mix them with salt. Spread on a baking sheet and leave overnight. Afterwards allow the salt to dry thoroughly in an airy place (not in the blazing sun as the color fades). Adds flavour and colour to your sandwiches.