Protecting beds with fleece

Garden Life
Winter is approaching and it is time to make the garden winter-proof. Vegetable beds should not be forgotten either, as some vegetable varieties do not necessarily have to be harvested and placed in storage or preserved in winter. They can also remain in the bed in frosty weather. Some vegetable varieties, such as kale, only develop their unique aroma with the first frosts. Many bitter substances are destroyed by the frost and the kale becomes tastier. Brussels sprouts, radicchio and lamb's lettuce as well as leek can also remain in the bed.
It is recommended to cover the plants in the bed in such a way that the vegetables can always be harvested fresh, even when the first snow has fallen. For this, a layer of fleece can be spread over the plants, which can quickly be opened up when the vegetables are to be harvested. Special thermal insulation fleeces are ideal for this. They are breathable, let light and water through but at the same time insulate well and protect against excessive evaporation. Unlike reed mats, they do not disturb the natural micro-climate.

Vegetables which grow taller can be protected by driving posts into the soil and thus forming a sort of roof which is then covered with fleece. The vegetables are thus not only protected against frost but also against rain, hail and gales. In addition, the gardener always has free access for harvesting. In order not to have to fear freezing of plants even in extreme cold, the sides can also be sealed with a tarpaulin or fleece.