Overwintering of Dahlias and other tuber grown plants (Tuberous begonias, Canna, Gladioluses)

Garden Life
The colourful blooms of summer are over and our tubers cannot remain outside for the winter. Remove the tubers from the soil.
Dahlias should be cut with secateurs approx. a hand-width over the tuber at the beginning or middle of October, in any case before the first frost at night, and dug out with a spading fork. Then remove the soil and dry them in a cool room on newspaper or in a carton. Do not forget to label the cartons.

The tuber should be stored away from frost, cool, dark and airy over the winter. In the case the numerous Dahlias are stored, pay attention to which are next to each other or on top of each other. In the beginning, turn the tubers weekly as a stuffy storage could lead to fungal infestation or spoilage.

Also, Tuberous begonias, Canna, Gladioluses can be stored over the winter this way. However, Canna are planted in pots with soil rich in nutrients. Keep the soil as dry as possible without allowing the tuber to dry out.

Planting in spring

Dahlias can be planted outside beginning in May however the young sprouts must be protected from frost. It is better to wait until the end of May with the Gladioluses. Tuberous begonias must be placed in small boxes with moist peat in February to start growth or they will bloom too late. For the growth start of Canna plants, a light and heated room is suitable beginning the middle of February. Afterwards, place the plants in light. As soon as the first sprouts are visible, start watering.

And now they are ready. The blossoms of the last year can start again. We wish you every success with the overwintering.

The ideal winter quarters

Bulbs and tubers feel happiest at temperatures of 5 to 8 degrees Celsius. They can be stored in a cellar room, a storage room inside your house, a conservatory or a tool shed. It is merely important that no frosty temperatures occur.
Check your bulbs, tubers and shrubs repeatedly for infestation and mould. Affected bulbs, tubers and shrubs should be isolated and treated. Dispose of mouldy bulbs and tubers immediately. This prevents the spreading of fouling and infestation.

Photo: © ottochka - Fotolia