
Ideal winter protection for tub plants etc.

Garden Life
Whether they be hardy pot plants, bedding roses or evergreens: You can make your favourite plants winter-proof in just a couple of steps.
Mother Nature herself makes sure that plants in the garden have a certain protection against ice and cold: Leaves, snow and pine needles fall onto beds to form a warm and comforting insulating layer. Whilst many plants survive the winter there without damage, most plants in tubs are particularly susceptible to frost because their root balls freeze much more quickly than those of plants in the ground.

Overwintering frost-resistant tub plants in a healthy way

Hardy shrubs, plants and evergreens can spend the winter outside in their frost-resistant tubs but must be protected from the sun and wind so that they don't dry out. For example, use a sun screen made of straw matting and a thick layer of mulch composed of leaves, conifer branches or spruce wood. Place tubs on pieces of polystyrene, logs or clay feet to create an insulating cushion of air between the plants and the cold ground. Position tubs close together so that they can keep each other warm. Provided the earth in the pot is not frozen, bamboo etc. should also be watered in the winter because such plants give off a lot of water on mild and sunny winter days.

Packing roses to withstand the winter

To ensure that long-stemmed and bedding roses flower abundantly next year, you must protect them from cold winds and, in particular, the bright winter sun. The sun warms the green skin of the roses and forces the evaporation of water. Since the plants are unable to draw water from the ground, they dry up. The twigs should therefore be protected with brushwood, fleece or jute sacking. Since the grafting point of a rose is particularly sensitive to frost, place compost, soil and leaves around bedding roses using the GARDENA combisystem hand trowel. In regions with mild winters, this is not necessary if the grafting point is at least five centimetres beneath the ground.