Garden pleasures 3

Garden pleasures: how to save time with smart gardening


Gardening is made easier with gadgets. You can save bags of time by utilising the best technology out there, maintaining your garden with everything from water management systems to sprinklers. Welcome to making the most of your garden with minimal effort.

Water management

Water management is crucial to keeping your garden looking its best. This might sound obvious, given plants and flowers crave water, but it’s not actually always easy to do. With our increasingly busy lives, keeping tabs on every corner of a lawn and every bush is tricky. Gadgets can be hugely helpful.

Smart gardening starts with water control, for example the GARDENA water control system, which equips you with the power to look after an irrigation line and make sure your garden is getting the right amount of water whatever the season, time of day, or weather conditions. Combine this with a micro drip system, which manages water output, as well as sprinklers, garden sprayers, and hoses, connectors, and reels, and you’ll be on your way to a properly functioning operation, which ensures none of your flowers get thirsty.

Garden pleasures 1

Mowing and trimming

Nobody wants an overgrown lawn. These days, there are some great gadgets that can help keep your smart garden looking trim and healthy like a Premier League football pitch. How about an automatic mower like the GARDENA robotic lawnmower. You don’t have to do a thing, simply set it up and watch it glide about your garden, cutting it to your desired length. You can control it via an app, meaning that wherever you are, your lawn won’t be missed.

Quality hedge trimmers go hand-in-hand with mowers. Although you’re actually required to play a part, even if this is “smart” gardening. There are many about and they work by taking away the aspects of manual labour, and cut sections of hedge for you – all you have to do is show them the way. Some gather waste as you go, too, which is an added bonus. Edge trimmers too, which are designed to get to every corner, help alleviate having to get down and dirty if that’s not your thing.

Garden pleasures 2

Smart gardening= high-grade garden tech

Smart gardening gadgets are seriously impressive these days. There are also smart gardening systems that allow users to interact with their gardens by way of solar-powered sensors. The sensors track the key ingredients for healthy gardens – sunlight, moisture, nutrition in soil and so on. The information is then sent as data to your phone via Wi-Fi or a LAN cable, in real-time. Clever, right? It can also differentiate between plants and soil conditions, so you can factor in what you need to do and for what part of your garden.

Remember, smart gardens need a lot of love, care, and elbow grease. However high-tech your options are, they also require a lot of attention. Gadgets help you save time, so you can spend more of your days enjoying your garden, and watching it grow and flourish. Happy smart gardening!