
Best ways of watering the lawns

Garden Life
Traditionally, grass has often been watered with sprinklers. If this is done during the day, some of the water evaporates without being used. For this reason, more intelligent, efficient and water-saving systems are increasingly making their mark.
The most elegant solution - which is more or less standard for professionals - takes the form of pop-up sprinklers. You can now find excellent landscape gardeners who specialise in laying this type of sprinkler. Investing in such a system brings peace of mind for years, allowing lawn owners to water their lawns comfortably at the press of a button or using a watering computer. However, people who prefer traditional sprinklers can find varieties at specialist outlets that can be precisely configured for the shape and size of the lawn in question. As a result, only the grass is watered - and not half of the entire garden. The best watering time, according to agricultural scientists, is very early in the morning between 3 and 6 a.m. You do not have to get up early for this - use a timer or watering computer.