Beginning of the planting period for trees and shrub

Garden Life
Autumn or spring? When is the optimal planting period for trees and shrub? We ask ourselves this question every year. We will try to explain a few basic factors. In general, the choice of the right plant depends on a number of factors. We would like to explain the three most important factors here. Roots, plant species and winter-hardiness. The roots are one of the deciding factors for the right planting period. With the roots, there is a difference between bare-root trees and trees with peat and balled roots. With the plant itself, we must pay attention to whether we are dealing with deciduous or evergreen plant species. And lastly, we must consider the winter-hardiness.

Planting period

As long as you do not have frost, you can plant trees and shrub from October until March.
Bare-root trees can be planted out until late into March. Whereby with these trees, October and November are especially suitable as nurseries have early roses, deciduous bushes, hedge plants and small trees grubbing and stored in cool storage or warehouses. Hence, there is a certain advantage in terms of price and quality to purchasing in spring.
Plants with balled root can be put in the soil until the beginning of May. Their fine roots have sprouted well.
Trees and roses with pot roots can be planted up into summer. Attention must be paid to sufficient watering. 

Shrub and Tree Roots
Bare-root trees and roses (Planting Period: October to March at the latest)
Trees with peat or balled roots (Planting Period: October to May)
Trees and roses with pot roots (Planting Period: October until late summer)

Advantage of autumn planting for bare-root trees

Especially now in October and November, it is recommended to plant the bare-root trees. These will take root by the spring and will then begin to sprout heartily.
Conifers and frost-hardy deciduous evergreens with soil or root-ball should be planted the beginning of September. Water evaporates here through the leaves and needles also in the winter. This takes energy away from the plant and until winter, the roots have not grown enough. The plants could easily freeze.

Winter-hardy – what does this mean?

A rough indication is given by the so-called climate, vegetation and winter-hardiness zones. They are influenced by, among other things, the altitude above sea level, the prevailing winds and the geographical location. What is interesting for the garden owner is the classification of the winter-hardiness zones (WHZ) in Germany from 5b (cool, Alps) up to 8a (warm, Rhine Valley). For every plant variety, a recommendation for the appropriate winter-hardiness zone can be made.

Photo: © roibu -