water tap

10 tips for saving water at home

Your plants need enough water to thrive. At home, however, there are a number of ways to save water without too much effort.

In the bath

1. A full bath is relaxing and restorative, particularly when you are attempting to shake off a cold. However, a bath consumes up to 200 litres of water each time. Showering, on the other hand, only consumes an average of around 50 litres. You can save even more water by using modern shower heads with reduced water flow.

2. There are also effective water flow limiters for taps that can mix the water jet with air, therefore saving up to 50% of water without any additional effort.

3. Don’t leave the tap running unnecessarily when brushing your teeth. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth twice a day, after breakfast and your evening meal, for at least two minutes. Leaving the tap running can result in 10 to 20 litres of wasted water. Turning off the tap can save up to seven cubic metres of water a year.

4. Seven to eight litres of water are used for each toilet flush. Modern flush systems have a quick-flush option that reduces the flush to just five litres when appropriate. Over the course of a year, this can save around 7000 litres. Toilet flush mechanisms often have a slight defect that causes the flush to continue rinsing. A repair often costs less than the additional costs caused by continuous water loss.

5. If possible, washing machines should only be used when fully loaded. In general, a disproportionate amount of water is used to wash small loads. Modern washing machines have special economy and small load programmes. When buying a new washing machine, note the water and energy consumption figures of the various products.

water tap

In the kitchen

6. The same rules apply in the kitchen: Turn off the tap when it’s not needed. Most water is lost as a result of our laziness. Fruit and vegetables can just as easily be washed in a bowl rather than under a running tap to save water.

7. Contrary to widespread belief, dishwashers generally use less water than washing by hand. Pre-rinsing dishes isn’t necessary other than in exceptional circumstances and only increases overall water consumption instead.

8. However, only run the dishwasher when it’s full. For a one or two-person household, it therefore makes sense to buy a smaller dishwasher.


In the garden

9. We have compiled our own guide explaining how to water your garden efficiently: Watering your garden correctly. We also advise that you have an expert install a separate water meter for garden irrigation. This means water charges can be listed separately for garden water.


Check your water consumption

10. You should check your water consumption regularly. The water meter can usually be accessed easily in your cellar or bathroom. If you notice an unusual increase in water consumption, there may be a problem in the water pipes. If you suspect a leak, contact an installer or your local authority.