
What can be done about weeds in the lawn?

Garden Experts
Dear garden expert, my rather yellow lawn is full of clover and thousands of other weeds such as dandelions and thistles. How can I get a beautiful lawn in a short time?

The GARDENA gardening expert

The quickest solution is to replace your malnourished, weed-infested patch with a rolled turf lawn which can be laid in a matter of days and will be fully established within a fortnight.

If you do not want to do this, you can take the following measures:

1. Remove deep-rooted weeds such as dandelions and thistles using a weed puller.

2. Use lawn weedkiller to combat clover and other such weeds.
2.2 Moss can also be controlled using a lawn weedkiller.

3. Scarify your lawn thoroughly.

4. After scarifying, you can add lime if necessary (about 10 to 200 grams of garden lime per square metre, depending on the soil conditions and when lime was last added).

5. Reseed bare patches with ornamental lawn grass, not utility lawn grass.

6. Once the renovated lawn is thick and lush, remember to fertilise it as specified by the manufacturer.
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