Round and about in a dusty country

Round and about in a dusty country On a field trip with UNICEF to Niger, one of the poorest countries in the world

Since a bit more than a year now GARDENA has been supporting UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, for its worldwide water, sanitation and sanitation projects. In April, Joachim Heppler and Heribert Wettels, both employees of GARDENA, had the opportunity to spend a week traveling to Niger to get an authentic impression of the work of UNICEF in the field.

“This trip to one of the poorest countries in the world was full of impressions that showed us the dimension of the challenges. But it was also full of interesting encounters with dedicated people, who take on these challenges and show a path of hope,” says Heribert Wettels.

Learn more about our partnership with UNICEF